My name is Susana and after spending 19 years in New York City I consider myself a… well… a Spaniard who is having a long term affair but unlikely to ever marry NYC. I love New York City, I have lived here almost as long as I have lived in Spain, and I’m head over heels with  its vibrancy, avant-garde style, restaurants, diversity, chaotic dance of people coming and going… but my roots are strong! When I left Spain I became more Spanish  than “Lola Flores” (picture here the stereotypical Spanish flamenco star), and I long in a constant crescendo for the Spanish way of life, it’s landscapes, its simplicity, its community…

I am now over my forties and I’d love to dress up like a mannequin, work out like a personal trainer, cook like a chef, work like a rich person who has already made it and doesn’t need to work anymore, have sex like a femme fatale and parent like my mom did… but somehow, most of the time, I only manage to do maybe a couple of those things half well (if I’m lucky) …

I’m also full of contradictions: I’m a vegetarian except when i’m confronted with a nice plate of good quality chorizo and jamón; I’m a science driven person but my strong believe that almost everything can be cured naturally forces me to walk around with a garlic clove inserted in my ear when I suffer from an ear infection; I’m a frustrated hippy who still plays the lotto about once a month (hey, you never know!); I love my children so so much that sometimes I can’t stand them; I’m an outgoing introvert who loves meeting people but hates having to introduce myself; I’m physiologically, emotionally and mentally designed to reside in either a crazy metropolis or the most remote country-side/wild nature environment you can fanthom; who understands me?? Thankfully I found a lovely husband who is the only person in this world who (most times?) gets me… 
I’m full of aspirations, disappointments, hopes and dreams and I’m trying to figure out everyday how to make it all work. I love my children and I also love myself. I’m finding my place in this world a little bit more each day, slowly wiggling in more and more into my own personal comfortable self. As I age I certainly am gifted increasing doses of wisdom and wrinkles. And as my children age I certainly seem to remain stubbornly deprived of the long awaited full night of sleep! (hence my wrinkles). 

In any event, I love the journey and’d like to take this trip called life while sharing and learning from you… so thank you for joining me!

